How to Keep Your Furnace Safe from Rats

When it gets cold outside, you aren't the only one looking for a place to get warm. Rats that may spend most of their time outdoors also want to escape the cold temperatures, and there's no warmer place than near your furnace. In addition to rats being gross, they can also cause expensive damage. Here's how to protect your furnace from rats. Eliminate Crawlspaces While cartoons always show rats coming in through a big hole in the wall, they can squeeze in through much tighter spaces. Read More 

The End Of Autumn And The HVAC Maintenance That Needs To Be Done To Prepare For Winter

As the autumn weather begins to get colder, there is a lot of maintenance that needs to be done before the winter weather arrives. Your HVAC needs to have the AC serviced and winterized to protect against damage during stormy weather and the ducts need to be inspected, cleaned, and adjusted for winter heating. The following HVAC maintenance checklist will help you do the autumn maintenance that needs to be done to get your home ready for the winter months and colder weather. Read More 

Common Causes And Solution Of Central Air Conditioner Refrigerant Leaks

When your air conditioner kicks on, the air handler pulls warm air from throughout the home, while replacing it with cool air. To cool the air, your central air conditioner must contain refrigerant to work properly. Unfortunately, the refrigerant can leak, which makes it impossible for the air conditioner to work. The leaking coolant is also dangerous and can damage nearby foliage. Here are a few of the most common causes of central air conditioner refrigerant leaks and what you should do next. Read More 

Tips To Getting The Best Residential Air Conditioning Services

As someone who owns their home, it's up to you to become adept at fixing any major problem that comes about in your household. More specifically, you need to learn how to get the best residential air conditioning service. In addition to hiring a residential air conditioning contractor, it's important to keep up with the air conditioning industry and repair tips that you can do on your own.  Follow the points below to make sure that you're getting the most from your residential air conditioning services. Read More 

Why Is My AC Humming?

When your air conditioner is running, you should become accustomed to the common sounds that are created by the AC unit. However, after some time has passed, your AC unit may begin to make unexpected noises such as a humming or buzzing sound. This is a sound you should pay attention to because it can indicate electrical or mechanical problems with your AC.  A Defective Condenser Fan Motor There might be something wrong with the condenser fan motor, which may cause it to not spin properly. Read More